ONLINE: Thinking For A Change (T4C)

$350 to pay in full or bring $100 to orientation then 4 payments of $75.

Thinking For A Change is a 25-session online experience. You must attend in person for orientation, problem solving class and the last class to pick up your certificate. Class meets Tuesday and Thursday evening for maximum of 12 weeks.

Thinking for a Change is an integrated, cognitive behavioral change program that includes cognitive restructuring, social skills development, and development of problem solving skills.

Cognitive self-change teaches individuals a concrete process for self-reflection aimed at uncovering antisocial thoughts, feelings, attitudes, and beliefs.

Social skills instruction prepares group members to engage in pro-social interactions based on self-understanding and consideration of the impact of their actions on others.

Problem solving skills integrates the two previous interventions to provide group members with an explicit step-by-step process for addressing challenging and stressful real life situations.

The Healing Can Start Today.